Woody Biomass Utilization

This is a resource for entities interested in woody biomass utilization and to facilitate the work of the interagency Federal Woody Biomass Utilization Working Group (WBUG), a working group of technical specialists representing federal agencies whose missions relate to the goal of encouraging the use of woody biomass. Read more about woody biomass utilization and the WBUG…
Tools and Resources
- USDA Forest Service Woody Biomass Utilization Desk Guide, September 2007 (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Coordinated Resource Offering Protocol (CROP) Description, Evaluations, and Results
- Woody Biomass Feedstock Yard Business Development Guide, A resource and business guide to developing a woody biomass collection yard (PDF, 4.8 MB)
- The Hidden Treasure, Forests and Woody Biomass - a National Association of Conservation Districts comic book showing the riches of woody biomass.
Woody Debris Utilization
- Action Plan for Damaged Timber and Woody Debris Management (PDF, 260 KB) - Prepared by the Disaster Debris Team, Federal Woody Biomass Users Group, June 2010.
- Timber Recovery and Wood Utilization Response to Wind Events and Disturbances Planning Workshop - April 15, 2008, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
- Wind Wood Utilization - Wind Wood Utilization is the hub for information specifically relating to the preparation for, response to, recovery from major wind events and the utilization of downed and damaged timber and woody debris that can be generated.