Interagency Dispatch Implementation Project (IDIP)
The focus of the Interagency Dispatch Implementation Project (IDIP) is to improve program delivery of dispatch services while meeting the mission needs of the Forest Service and Department of Interior, as well as state, local, and tribal stakeholders. It provides a long-term strategy toward improving safety, efficiency, and cost effectiveness in the dispatch and coordination system. The establishment of three core working groups, Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Standardization, Interagency Dispatch Operational Guidance (IDOG), and Dispatch Governance and Staffing, will serve as blueprints for implementation of dispatch improvement.
- Interagency Dispatch Implementation Project (IDIP) Phase 1 Final Report - September 2016 (PDF, 1 MB)
- Project Plan for the Interagency Dispatch Implementation Project (IDIP), July 2014 (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Interagency Dispatch Implementation Project Update Memo (PDF, 553 KB)
- Interagency Communication Plan for the Interagency Dispatch Implementation Project (IDIP) (PDF, 433 KB)
- IDIP November 2015 Update (PDF, 551 KB)
- IDIP November 2014 Briefing…
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